The Power of Jesus’ Names

Professional Reader

Tony Evans is a fine preacher and communicator, and there is no higher subject than the Names of Jesus. The Power of Jesus Names combines Evans’ illustrations and explanations to bring out the meanings of those names.

Evans says that the power in Jesus Names is available for us to tap into as believers. For instance, Immanuel means God with us. Evans explains that we are never alone, no matter what. The name Immanuel was introduced when the scripture spoke of Jesus coming to Earth to be with man.

To study the meanings of the names of Jesus is to open a new world of understanding the power and might of God: Creator, I AM, Banner of Victory, Lord our Shepherd, Lord of Hosts, Lord who is High and Mighty, and God Almighty. The list goes on. It will do you good to learn who your God is and how powerful he is!

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