Review of The 5-Minute Bible Study for Difficult Times, by Ellyn Sanna

This short devotional is similar in style to other Barbour Publishing devotionals I have reviewed recently, The 5-Minute Bible Study for the Anxious Heart, and The Bible Promise Book For the Anxious Heart.

The format this devotional follows is listing a topic of difficulty, such as I Can’t Take the Stress, followed by a recommended passage of scripture, and a key scripture verse. Next, a section called Understand presents several questions to help you think about the topic in terms of the scripture that was just presented.

In a section called Apply, we are given practical advice to carry out the wisdom found in scripture. A short prayer ends the devotion with a petition for God’s help in the topic of study.

Of the three devotionals reviewed, I found the Difficult Times to be the most relevant for me. Perhaps it spoke to a need at that moment in my life, or maybe the subtlety of this third book being written by a different author made the distinction for me. Regardless, I recommend all three of these devotionals, whether or not you are anxious or going through difficulties. Hide these truths in your heart for the times you will need them.

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