Review of The Overdue Life of Amy Byler by Kelly Harms

Amy Byler’s life was thrown into chaos three years ago when her husband walked out of her and her children’s lives. Suddenly she needed to become not just Mom, but breadwinner for her family. Dusting off her college degree, she was able to get a job as a librarian. It wasn’t as lucrative as her husband’s income had been, but with refinancing she and the kids were able to stay in the house. Amy was stretched from both ends, but she made life work.

After three years her husband decides to walk back into their lives just as he had walked out. Not so fast, said Amy and the kids in unison. But slowly he wins them over enough to take the kids for the summer, leaving Amy free to return to NYC for the first time since before becoming a mom.

Letting her hair down and playing the single woman is fun for a while, (“What do you mean you never got divorced?”) but eventually Amy is forced to make difficult choices.

I have a different value system than our fictional protagonist, but I give high marks to Overdue Life for the friendships that support Amy, enduring through years and demonstrating a loyalty that draws their physical presence from states away when there is a crisis.

The book is enjoyable, light reading. Maybe best of all it is free with Audible narration if you have Kindle Unlimited.

#momspringa #overduelife
