Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion, by Anne Graham Lotz

Anne Graham Lotz is very open and vulnerable in her book, Jesus in Me. The title comes from the simplified way she describes the Holy Spirit. She says the Holy Spirit is God, the same as Jesus without skin, living inside of me.

In her many personal illustrations, Anne is candid and vulnerable, writing about the Holy Spirit’s work in her life during some of the most traumatic and emotionally disruptive changes she has recently experienced.

Anne blamed herself for not going out to the pool sooner to check on her husband, who she found drowned. But the Holy Spirit helped her work through the false guilt. She misses her husband of 49 years, but realizes God is bringing her into a new season of relying on Him.

Anne felt like not only a widow after her husband’s death, but when her father, famous evangelist Billy Graham, died, she also felt like an orphan because her mother had passed away by then too. Anne says the Holy Spirit helps us cope with our loneliness.

Almost a year ago Anne announced she had been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has needed to rely on her “Constant Companion” even more during this time of treatment. She has solicited prayers from Christians world-wide, and she anticipates a good outcome. She wants others who are going through similar trying circumstances to know that “Jesus living on the inside” will be there for them too.

Jesus in Me is a good resource for those wanting to learn more about the Holy Spirit, and especially for those who may be experiencing trials like Anne and want the closeness of God living inside them.
