Review of The Battle for Bonhoeffer, by Stephen R. Haynes

The audio book, The Battle for Bonhoeffer: Debating Discipleship in the Age of Trump, by Stephen R. Haynes, opened my eyes to possible dimensions of Dietrich Bonhoeffer of which I was heretofore unaware.  Indeed, now there’s a chasm looming wide full of phrases supposedly connected to Bonhoeffer, like same sex marriage, abortion, evangelical agenda, Bonhoeffer Moment, religion-less Christianity, Critical Patriot, Righteous Gentile, Moral Hero, and Evangelical Bonhoeffer.

But perhaps the book is not so much about Bonhoeffer as it is about picking apart Eric Metaxas’ book, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. At some points Haynes goes after Metaxas himself, calling him a non-theologian and accusing him of having an evangelical agenda. I’m not that fond of arguments or “debating”, so listening to this audio book made me feel…icky. If you relish a good back-and-forth you may enjoy this exchange of ideas, if that is what it is. It’s not for me.
