Review: You Can Trust God to Write Your Story: Embracing the Mysteries of Providence

This book opens with a few words from Joni Eareckson Tada, a well known Christian quadriplegic. She learned to trust God to write her story, not at all one she would have written herself, but one she praises Him for now.

Both Robert Wolgemuth and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth have extensive backgrounds in writing, so it’s no surprise they should write a book about writing a story. First they cover the parts of a story, information I was familiar with and not so excited to cover again.

Then they looked at a couple Bible stories – Joseph and Esther – which I was also familiar with, but now I was starting to see how to apply their premise: You can trust God to write your story.

Together, Nancy and Robert have an amazing story of their own to tell. Parts of their story are interspersed between the chapters of this book.

The book continued with examples from the lives of people they knew personally, in sections which titles start, “You can trust God to write your story when…”

Some of the situations looked at included, you lose your health, your children break your heart, when you lose a loved one, and when you’re facing death.

Suddenly this book to which I was just giving mental assent, engaged every neuron. The synapses were firing, saying back up and take another look at that part about trusting God to write your story when your child breaks your heart.

One Christian couple (not the first ones I’ve read about or known in my life) had a son who had followed the Lord, then announced he was gay. Another Christian couple had a son who had moved away – they didn’t know where – carried by addiction. They hadn’t seen or heard from him in years. They didn’t know if he was dead or alive.

My own broken heart wasn’t born from the exact circumstances of either of those prodigal children, but my children’s situations are close enough for me to seize upon the conclusions the gay son’s parents have arrived at (paraphrased):

  1. My husband and I cannot change my child’s heart.
  2. We are not responsible to fix our child. Our adult child is responsible for his/her own decisions.
  3. We won’t stop loving them or praying for them.
    And to those I will add another:
  4. I can trust God to write the rest of their story.
    Is my heart still broken because my children are not walking with God? Of course! But my perspective is changed when I trust God that He is good, and His plan for me and my children is good.
    Is there a chapter in your life you are wondering how it will end? Perhaps you can gain some insight from this book. I did.

#YouCanTrustGodtoWriteyourStory @robertwolgemuth @MoodyPublishers @JoniandFriends
