The Blackbird Girls is a Middle Grade, Historical Fiction book with dual timelines running during World War II and the disaster at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. Difficult circumstances thrust together two girls from different backgrounds, who have a history of not getting along. Through the love of a Jewish grandmother, one girl overcomes her prejudices, and the two girls become best friends.
Besides accepting those of other cultures and religions, secondary themes of child abuse and government oppression unfolding in the two settings give the reader a broader understanding of the world and its peoples, history, geography, and possibly even self worth.
I enjoyed the audio version of The Blackbird Girls, 10 hours and 6 minutes. The two narrators for the different time periods help the listener clearly follow the storylines.
Blankman masterfully melds the timelines near the end of the story, showing that human kindness can come from anyone, be needed by anyone, and may just save a life. This is a timeless message! Thanks to my Aunt Esther for recommending this book to me!
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