Book Review

White House Ghosts: Presidents and Their Speechwriters, by Robert Schlesinger.

Robert Schlesinger descends from a family steeped in history and politics. His father, Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr., was an advisor to John F. Kennedy and a renowned historian. Robert’s grandfather, Arthur M. Schlesinger Sr. was also a prominent American historian. Such a lineage may have given Robert an entrée to interview the ghosts, the behind-the-scenes ghostwriters who prepared speeches for the president, in this thoroughly researched book.

In rare cases, speechwriters actually formed policy for the administration, proving the power of the pen. Too often, as in the case of the Roosevelt and Ford presidencies, speechwriters competed against each other instead of collaborating. But in most cases, bureaucratic gatekeepers hacked to pieces the carefully crafted speeches, rendering the final draft dissimilar to the original.

Speechwriters tried to capture the speaking style of the president. Truman, who said, “Never use two words when one will do best,” used a presidential speech to fire General MacArthur. Plain-spoken Eisenhower navigated the Cold War and civil rights issues with speech which was “very direct, very un-flowered, very unornamented.” Speechwriter Ted Sorensen had rare access to the president and developed such a close understanding of JFK, Kennedy called Sorensen his “intellectual blood bank.”

Johnson rejected speeches unless they had content that would produce a news lead. Nixon instructed his speechwriters to include, “more parables, stories, anecdotes and similes”. Upon succeeding the disgraced Nixon, Ford spoke, “My fellow Americans, our long national nightmare is over,” but failed to take leadership within his own administration. Carter was precise and technical in editing his speeches, often cutting the lifeblood out of them.

Many of the exceptional speeches came to have names, such as Reagan’s Pointe du Hoc Speech on the 40th anniversary of the Normandy landings. Some speeches contained a catch phrase which took on a life of its own, as in Reagan’s Brandenburg Gate speech, “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

Tragedy sometimes led to memorable speeches, as when the space shuttle Challenger exploded. Reagan told the nation, “We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them, this morning, as they prepared for their journey and waved goodbye and ‘slipped the surly bonds of earth’ to ‘touch the face of God.'”

Speechwriters attempted to characterize an administration with a phrase, such as George H. W. Bush’s “thousand points of light” and “a kinder and gentler nation”.

President Clinton, known for straying from prepared texts, reportedly wrote his own speech telling attendees of the White House Prayer Breakfast, “I have sinned”, after the Monica Lewinsky affair.

George W. Bush appeared to be a strong leader after the events of September 11, 2001, when he said, “We will not tire, we will not falter, and we will not fail.” But the book’s section on Bush turned sour as his speechwriters came under fire for using spurious information about weapons of mass destruction.

Newly elected presidents typically hired speechwriters who made valuable contributions during their campaign and selected others from the realms of academia, law, journalism, and business. Only a handful were Black or women.

The book covers speechwriters through the 43rd president. During that time, some of the better known presidential speechwriters include Welliver, Rosenman, Clifford, Sorenson, Price, Safire, Buchanan, Fallows, Noonan, Snow, Gerson, Frum, McConnell, and Scully.

There have been many others, some familiar, but the remainder are “lost to the ash heap of history”. These are the ghosts, but their words live on.

@rschles @simonschuster

#ghostwriter #speechwriter #politics #history #presidents

Product Review

HISEA Deck Boots

I’ve written about HISEA boots in the past, but I came across a great deal I want to share. Already reasonably priced at $19, as of this writing they are 25% off, at only $15.

I have never seen a better price for these quality boots! This is the best footwear for February’s snow, sleet, and icy rain. I wear my HISEA boots when fishing and walking the dogs in the woods. I wear them all year-round!

Sizes and colors are limited, so act promptly to take advantage of this sale. These boots run big and wide, so they recommend you order a size down.


Book Review

**Spoiler Alert**

Review of This Side of Heaven, by Karen Kingsbury

This Side of Heaven is not a recent release. First published in 2009, many of you have no doubt read it. I just now encountered it. I usually read and listen to several books a week, but this one is special enough that I am posting a review.

It shocked me when Karen Kingsbury killed her protagonist midway through the book. It takes literary audacity to create an endearing character only to put him to death with the balance of the book looming. Such a move pressures the author to keep the reader interested long enough to complete the character arcs of less likeable figures.

At first I wondered if it was a ploy to lead me to believe this main character was dead, only to find out later he’s miraculously alive. That’s the cheap way out, like a prankster pointing to the ground to divert your eyes, then flicking at your nose. I don’t appreciate cheap writing tricks.

Kingsbury doesn’t resort to writing pranks. She skillfully leads the reader to a satisfying conclusion. After the book ends, she explains why she wrote this story. It’s loosely based on the life of her brother, Dave. Some of the story’s components are fictitious, but the real story shines through as heartbreaking and redeeming and aching to be told.

I hope I haven’t spoiled the plot too much for those of you just discovering this gem of a book by a seasoned author. Available at Amazon.


#CenterStreet #HachetteBookGroup #ChristianFiction #Hero #ICanOnlyImagine

Book Review

Guilty Until Innocent, by Robert Whitlow

Available February 4, 2025

Joe was a talented musician and college student in North Carolina when he stumbled into drug addiction. One night while playing a gig at a bar, Joe got so high on crystal meth he couldn’t recall the evening. The next thing Joe knew, he was in jail, charged with double murder.

During the next twenty-six years in prison, Joe gets clean, emerges as a leader, and becomes wholly committed to God. Joe sees more fellow inmates turn to God, and a prison revival begins.

Ryan is a young attorney whose career got off to a rocky start. He gets another chance when his second cousin, Tom, also an attorney, hires him. Ryan isn’t sure the job will work out, and he has increased financial pressure when his wife, Paige, becomes pregnant.

Tom assigns Ryan as the lead attorney on a case which seems doomed from the start. Joe’s relatives hire the law firm to overturn Joe’s conviction. Just as Ryan begins investigating the old case, Tom has a health crisis and Ryan is on his own. Ryan soon discovers not everyone can be trusted, and he, Paige, and Joe are in danger.

As Ryan tries to determine Joe’s guilt or innocence, he is working through his own relationship with God and a sense of guilt over his father’s death.

Robert Whitlow, an attorney, doesn’t get too technical with the legal aspects of the story, and explains unfamiliar terms and procedures. Whitlow portrays Joe’s Christianity as realistic and natural. Joe prays, and God answers.

I was already a fan of Whitlow’s Christian-themed legal thrillers. If you enjoy this genre, I invite you to get a copy of Guilty Until Innocent. Available now for pre-order. Release date February 4, 2025.

“I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.”

@whitlowwriter @ThomasNelson

#NetGalley #ChristianFiction #LegalThriller


Review of Who Touches the Mountains, by Deborah Raney

Deborah Raney’s Who Touches the Mountains launches a new series, drawing inspiration from Psalm 104:31-34, from which she takes the phrase, The God Who. This passage speaks of praise for God’s glory seen in creation. Raney aptly selected the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, specifically the scenic area around Asheville encompassing Black Mountain, Chimney Rock, and Montreat, as the setting for her debut book in the series.

Just before the scheduled release of Who Touches the Mountains, Hurricane Helene tore a path of destruction through that region, with catastrophic flooding and loss of life. Raney wondered if allowing publication on the heels of this real-life tragedy would seem insensitive and exploitative. In the end, she decided the book honors the resolve of the area’s residents, and she is donating a portion of the book’s profits toward rebuilding the affected communities.

In Who Touches the Mountains, Raney crafts a tale of loss, grief, romance, and even mystery. The veteran author incorporates inspirational elements into the story in a natural, unobtrusive way, touching on themes of prayer, church attendance, one’s relationship with God, and forgiveness.

For those who have weathered a storm, may you find encouragement in the pages of Raney’s book, as you lift your eyes toward The God Who.

Upcoming titles in The God Who series include Who Stirs Up the Sea, Who Names the Stars, and Who Measures the Oceans.

@AuthorDebRaney #ChristianRomance #ChristianFiction #TheGodWho #Inspirational

Review: A Certain Idea of America, by Peggy Noonan

I’ve been a fan of Peggy Noonan since she was a speechwriter for the president known as the “Great Communicator”, back in the 1980s. This book is a collection of her more recent writings culled from her column in the Wall Street Journal.

Noonan discusses people she admired, often paying tribute upon their death. She wades into politics, shaming some and praising others, but never pulling punches. I don’t always agree with her political views, but I respect her well-reasoned opinions.

Noonan writes unashamedly about faith in God and pride in America, standing resolutely for both. She tells us how we have done well, and how we can do better.

In the audiobook version, the author herself reads the Forward.

If you believe there’s a place in today’s world for old-fashioned values, you’ll appreciate Noonan’s essays in A Certain Idea of America.

@Peggynoonannyc @WSJ @penguinaudio


#Portfolio #PenguinRandomHouse #domesticpolitics #bookreview #ACertainIdeaofAmerica

Best Gazillion-Piece Fishing Accessories Deal

I’m always skeptical when I see #deals boasting a gazillion pieces. Usually, that means multiple tiny split shot, many mini hooks, and lots of little swivels. How do you use all this stuff?

The FONMANG 411/601-Piece Fishing Gear Accessories Kit is a step above all the others. Most importantly, it comes with a 14-page booklet written in English. Not pidgin English where you can tell the author is not a native English speaker, but understandable, grammatically correct English. That’s important to me.

This booklet demonstrates step-by-step how to tie basic fishing knots.

Even better, if you don’t know the Carolina Rig from the Texas Rig, or the Ned Rig from a Jig Rig, this booklet has pictures with all the parts labeled.

This booklet alone is worth the modest price to me. (Right now this kit is on #sale for #BlackFriday, plus you can take 10% off with a #coupon!)

The two-sided box is handy and has everything you need to tie these rigs and more!

This kit also comes with a #BogaGrip-like tool and a neat pair of #FishingPliers.

If you want a nice starter kit AND the knowledge to use all those little accessories, or you are looking for a #FishingGift for the angler in your life, I recommend The FONMANG 411/601-Piece Fishing Gear Accessories Kit!

#fishinggift #fishingaccessories #BlackFriday #BlackFridayDeal

Home Again!

I tried another web hosting company, but I couldn’t get used to the rigamarole I had to go through to update my site. I’ve returned to, and I feel like I’m home again. Shout out to my tech guru Ava for making it happen!

Ahhh! (*props feet on desk, *sips coffee) So good to be home! Drop by often! I look forward to seeing you!

[These Fruit of the Loom Men’s Ribbed Jersey Clogs in the picture are comfortable and warm. My favorite feature is they slip on and off easily. That’s handy when I want to take the dogs outside, or tuck my feet under me while I’m sitting on the couch working on my computer. When I want to get up, I just slip my feet into these cozy slippers.]

If you need a computer expert:

#HistoricalFiction #ChildrensBooks #ChristianDevotionals #bookreviews #FavoriteFishingPhotos #slippers #dogitems #doggifts #watertoys #waterscooter

Review of The Shadow of War: A Novel of the Cuban Missile Crisis, by Jeff Shaara

I read Michael Shaara’s Killer Angels in college, and discovered how historical fiction could make history more understandable, even exciting to read. Jeff Shaara has followed in his father’s footsteps by authoring several novels in the historical fiction genre. Putting characters in historical WWII battles, the Korean War, the Civil War, and the Revolutionary War opens the imagination to what these conflicts could have been like.
The Shadow of War doesn’t quite make the grade as a historical fiction novel. Perhaps that’s because the Cuban Missile Crisis is from recent history, in my lifetime, and shouldn’t have to be imagined. Why not go with the straight facts? Surely, records of the tense deliberations between Kennedy and his staffers exist.
Perhaps it’s these records Jeff Shaara relied upon to write this book. But instead of painting a broad picture to flesh out scenes and dialogue, I’m left wondering, did it really happen like that?
Thanks to Net Galley and St. Martin’s Press for the digital copy of The Shadow of War: A Novel of the Cuban Missile Crisis, in exchange for my unbiased review.

@StMartinsPress #JeffShaara #CubanMissileCrisis #JFK #1960s