Review of The Bible Promise Book: 500 Scriptures to Grow Your Prayer Life in paperback by Emily Biggers

Reviews Published Professional Reader

Biggers has divided her book into fifty sections of ten verses per section. The section heading often comes in the form of a question such as, “When should you pray?”

However these questions are not answered in the traditional way. Biggers records a short prayer, her own conversation with God, which gives some thoughts on the question.

It is after the prayer that the ten verses are listed, each with its reference. The verses all pertain to the topic heading. All the verses are given in the King James Version of the Bible. If you are a KJV-only Christian this will suit you fine.

I know there are others who prefer more modern translations, which are not to be found here. For this reason I predict this book will have a limited audience.

What I would wish for – thinking futuristically – would be a book similar to this in an eBook format, in which you could select the version of the Bible you wish to read the scriptures, or read each scripture in several versions to get the nuanced meaning.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that these verses are nicely grouped by topic, and if you wish to access them in another version you may – just bring your own Bible. They are useful, as the title suggests, for growing your prayer life. There is power in praying the scriptures!

These groupings would also lend themselves to scripture memory or a topical Bible study.

#TheBiblePromiseBook500ScripturesToGrowYourPrayerLife #NetGalley @BarbourBuzz

Review of The Last Guide: A Story of Fish and Love

Reviews Published Professional Reader

The Last Guide: A Story of Fish and Love by Ron Corbett is a nostalgic look at the history and lore of guided fishing in and around Algonquin Provincial Park in north-central Ontario, Canada, and more specifically about Frank Kuiack, the last guide.

Ron Corbett, a reporter following a lead on recent DNA testing of wolves in Algonquin Park indicating they were of the red wolf species instead of the previously assumed timber wolf, was referred to Frank Kuiack. Kuiack was as knowledgeable as anyone about the wolves in the park, Corbett was told, so he set up an interview.

When Corbett arrived at the sixty-something-year-old man’s house, he could tell immediately from the canoes in the yard and the fishing gear in the house that Kuiack had been a guide. Corbett asked him when he had retired and Kuiack surprised him by saying he wasn’t retired; he still guided.

At the end of the wolf interview, Corbett asked to go fishing with the older man. Kuiack said he was booked solid until the end of the season, and he would take him then.

It wasn’t until near the end of this multi-day fishing trip that Corbett learned his would be the last long guided trip. During the course of the trip, Kuiack’s story unfolds and we see why the spry sexagenarian was planning to only take short day trips for fishing from then on. Interspersed with Kuiack’s personal history are the biographies of the famous guides who went before him.

This is an enjoyable read for anyone who likes reading nature stories or biographies of down-on-your-luck but resilient people. Four Stars!         

#BooksGoSocial #TheLastGuide #NetGalley 

Review of 100 More Stand-Alone Bible Studies

Reviews Published Professional Reader

100 More Stand-Alone Bible Studies is the second in the series by Penelope Wilcock. She advises that these studies were written with the purpose of being used in a home group setting and will be the most helpful in that way, although they can be used by individuals.

Wilcock also provides guidelines for leading a group Bible study, which boils down to stand back and don’t get in the way. This laissez-faire approach could easily lead to misunderstanding the Bible without the guidance of a qualified teacher. Further, it opens the door for potential disagreements to get out of hand.

The subjects addressed in this study book are not ones that usually promote peace. For example, there is extensive time spent right off the bat on baptism, whether infants should be baptized, what is baptism in the Holy Spirit, does it only relate to salvation or is it something more, and what are the participants’ personal experiences regarding baptism in the Holy Spirit. I have known these very issues to cause disagreement among church members and for some to stop attendance over the matter.

If you are not afraid to ask tough questions and confront every issue, albeit from the author’s point of view, have at it! But frankly, this book scares me. It’s like giving a three-year-old a shovel and telling him to start prying up rocks. On the mountain where I live he’s likely to find a few snakes.

Scripture cautions us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling. (Philippians 2:12) I’m afraid the studies in 100 More Stand-Alone Bible Studies uses a much bolder method.

#100morestandalonebiblestudies #NetGalley @LionHudson

Review of Red Light, Green Lion

Reviews Published Professional Reader

Red Light, Green Lion by Candace Ryan is a charming children’s book that teaches more than the colors red and green; it gives a lesson in making the best of the happy and sad surprises that show up in our day.

Ryan prefaces this book with a short quote by the priest and author Henri Nouwen (1932-1996), and she includes a line of dedication which reads, “For Henri Nouwen, who taught me how to look for the hidden gifts in rainy-day red lights.”

With the clear and uncomplicated crayon-like line drawings of illustrator Jennifer Yerkes, Ryan tells the story of a lion waiting at a traffic light. The word “light” is hyphenated to the flip-page where we see “li-“ isn’t light at all, but “lion”. This pattern of page-turning surprises repeats throughout the book, as well as the “li-“ sound to form new words.

Our friendly green lion experiences lightning and a flood of rain with all manner of fanciful things floating past. The expressions on the faces of the animal characters are readable and captivating.  I would read this to children from birth up through 12-years old, and I’m sure I’d get requests for repeated readings from the same audience (of those able to communicate). I expect Red Light, Green Lion to find a treasured place in many a child’s home, and heart as well.

@KidsCanPress @CandaceRyan  #RedLightGreenLion  #NetGalley  #ChildrensFiction

The Alice Network

Reviews Published Professional Reader

The Alice Network is better than most WWII fictional narratives; although after having recently read The Book Thief, and The Tattooist of Auschwitz, the bar has been set too high for me to award this book more than four stars.
Hold on tight and watch where you are going, because the story in The Alice Network meanders a bit, hopping between two World Wars, three pregnancies, spying, lying, betrayal, expensive cars, and uncontrollable rage. An odd trio sets off to find the missing and exact revenge, while fighting against being controlled, and suffering the burden of guilt though not guilty.
I don’t want to drop any spoilers, but the above paragraph may give you an idea of the complexity of this book. It is engaging and at times suspenseful and worth the full four stars.
Thanks to my local library for the loan of the audiobook of The Alice Network!

#WWII #spy #audiobook

Graduates and Moms

My girl is going on to great things!

Congratulations to all the graduates out there! I’m so very proud of mine! She has worked hard to get to this day, but it is just another step in the journey. I know she is going on to do great things!

Let’s not forget Mom! This is her big weekend too, and we need to show her plenty of love and appreciation!

Which raises the question, what are some great gifts for our grads and moms? Check out these ideas below.

102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament by Dr. William H. Marty

Professional Reader

Dr. William H. Marty was inspired to write 102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament partly from the students’ questions he fielded during his 37 years teaching at Moody Bible Institute.

The studies can be done in any order, and in fact the author recommends you not read this book like a novel. It is appropriate for Christians and non-Christians alike. Marty stresses the importance of reading the noted scripture passages to get full understanding of the studies.

The studies are organized by the life of Christ and the four Gospels, the Book of Acts, Paul’s epistles, the general epistles, several studies drawn from the book of Revelation, and doctrine.

Each study begins with a topic, ranging from the Genealogies of Jesus to the Wrath of God. Marty briefly explores the topic, including scripture references. Then several study questions are presented, also with scripture references. Each study concludes with a memory verse.

As suggested above, you cannot properly do this study without using the Bible to explore the many scripture references. While Marty presents the topic and guides you with insightful questions, it is truly a study of the Bible.

102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament is a great way to delve into a topical study of scripture either in a group or on your own.

#102fascinatingBibleStudiesOnTheNewTestament #NetGalley @ReadBakerBooks   @bethany_house

Remembering Rachel Held Evans

Professional Reader

By Saturday afternoon Twitter feeds were jammed with #BecauseofRHE, expressing grief at the too-soon-death of @rachelheldevans Rachel Held Evans. Many spoke of what a great friend she had been, how she had provided encouragement when it was sorely needed, how she had helped them to find their writing voice.

According to news reports and social media posts by her husband Dan, Rachel died Saturday May 4, 2019 after a brief illness. She experienced unexpected symptoms while in the hospital being treated for an infection.

Rachel leaves behind her husband Dan Evans and two children, as well as many loving extended family, friends, and loyal readers. Please pray for those who are hurting with her passing.

A Go Fund Me Account has been established to help with the mounting medical costs. Please consider giving.

Rachel was intelligent, bold, polarizing, loving. How rich we are having had her in our lives.

#NetGalley #ThomasNelson #PrayforRHE

Anticipating Heaven by Michael E. Wittmer

Professional Reader

Anticipating Heaven 

Michael E. Wittmer was called to the bedside of a dying friend to give spiritual counsel. Although he knew the answers, he initially felt unprepared to offer them. After a verbal misstep or two, Wittmer felt God’s prompting and was able to assure his friend of her salvation and answer other questions.

Spurred by that experience Wittmer developed Anticipating Heaven to answer what happens when believers die, and what happens after that.

There are many other “Heaven” books on the shelves today, and Wittmer wisely distinguishes his book from the personal accounts by sticking to scripture as his source.

Anticipating Heaven is easy to read and will address most of your basic questions about heaven. Books already available on the topic by Randy Alcorn and David Jeremiah take a more thorough approach if you are doing comprehensive study.

This book would be helpful if you are contemplating your own end-of-life, that of a friend or loved one, or you are in a ministerial capacity that brings you in contact with people nearing death.

With a little pre-planning, you can have the assurance of salvation and be aware of what the Bible says regarding events after death. If you have any doubts at all, Wittmer’s book can head you in the right direction.

#AnticipatingHeaven #NetGalley #ourdailybread #DiscoveryHousePublishers @DiscoveryHouse @ourdailybread