A Mom’s Heart for Her Son

My guest blogger today is Lisa Williams. She is a super-busy wife and mother to two wonderful children.  From her posts, I know things are not always easy for her. But I really admire that she is parenting purposefully. I think that is evident in this letter she wrote to her young son:

~~Guest Blog By Lisa Williams~~

With all that is happening in our world, I feel an urgency to be intentional about raising my children. I’m not only raising my son, but someone’s future husband, father, best friend, brother, etc. Even though he’s only 3 years old, I’m forced to think about the type of man I want Wyatt to become. Training starts from birth, really. My mind has been stuck lately on this…


-Life is tough with or without God in it. But WITH God, you get direction and wisdom, an untouchable inner peace and love that is never-ending. You’ll live for a God much bigger than yourself, and if you ever feel like a failure, He will show you your purpose and worth. He’s worth it all.

-ALWAYS be kind. To everyone. Even when they’re not kind in return. ESPECIALLY when they’re not! There’s always a reason why. Each person was created by God, for His purpose. Just like you. Treat them with respect, even when you don’t agree with their opinions, politics, beliefs. It’s not your job to change anyone. It’s your job to be kind, compassionate, and to love them. Also, be kind to yourself. Forgive yourself when you make mistakes. Learn to love the person God created you to be. When you eat too much junk food, don’t beat yourself up. Smile because it was delicious😋

-It’s okay-I even encourage you- to be a bit of a feminist. Women are strong and capable worthy of the same respect as men. Don’t forget it.

-On that same note, respect girls and women. When other boys and men are rude and crude and lewd, don’t join in. When you’re dating one girl, don’t eyeball other prospects. Wandering eyes aren’t necessary to ensure your man card. Hold yourself to a higher standard and do not budge! Don’t speak badly of women’s bodies. Yours isn’t perfect either. Hold doors for them. Open car doors for them. Position yourself closest to the road when you’re walking with them. Be a true gent. If they don’t appreciate it, move on. You’ll find a gem who does;)

-Your stubbornness will come in handy at times. But being too stubborn can push people away. Find a healthy balance.

-Friendships are very important! You’ll need people, and they’ll need you. Just keep in mind that people aren’t perfect. They’ll fail you, and you’ll fail them. That’s what grace and mercy and forgiveness are for! Just don’t burn your bridges back to them. You’ll learn which ones to hold onto and which ones to let go.

-Being right isn’t important. Being humble is.

-Travel. Live other places. If you choose to come back “home”, you’ll be here because this is where your heart is. It will kill me to see you go, but I’ll encourage your every step. There’s a really big world out there for you to explore. Your dad wholeheartedly disagrees with me. He wants you here. He’s the selfish parent😂

-Be your sister’s best friend. ALWAYS be there for her. Protect her. Defend her. Be only a phone call or flight or car ride away. Other men will fail her. Don’t be one of them. Be her home base.

-You can become whatever you want to be! You live in the BEST country on earth! Take advantage of its freedom and opportunity, but don’t take it for granted. It owes you nothing. (You better stand proud, with your hand over your heart, for our National Anthem! Or I will ring your ears!) But you have to WORK for it. And work hard! Your dad and I will not make your life too easy. We will force you to do your chores, make good grades, work for your money. We will make you volunteer your time to charities and to other people in need. We will kick your butt into shape because you’re worth it. Ensuring your future is worth our dedication. Become a man who contributes greatness to your society and to your family. They’re worth it.


#ChristianMom #GrowingIntoManOfGod #AdviceForSon #LifeLessons  #TeachThemTheWayTheyShouldGo

Review of Falling Into Place, by Elaine Orr

Falling Into Place by Elaine Orr will pique your interest from the start.

Why are poppies so significant?

Why did Everett stop working outside the home?

Why doesn’t Everett drive any more?

What will happen to Everett when his wife is gone? Will he be able to manage on his own? Will his children let him try?

How can Everett step in to help when his granddaughter is seriously ill and he is the only possible person to assist?

How does this seemingly helpless old man become a hero?

Everything will fall into place by the end of this well-written story. Themes include #WWII, #PTSD, #Cancer, #Gardening, #ElderCare, and #TerminalIllness.

There’s nothing dark or sexually explicit in this book; it is a “Cozy” read. Sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy!


Review of Rain Clouds and Waterfalls, by Piper Templeton, Audiobook

I “read” the audio version of Rain Clouds and Waterfalls, by Piper Templeton.  That in itself is a big plus for me! I frequently listen to audio books or the text-to-speech accessibility feature of books while I multi-task. Professional narration by Audible conveys the nuance of words and tone of the scene in a way that text-to-speech cannot. It really brings a book to life!

Rain Clouds and Waterfalls follows the life of Ellen, a school girl in the ’70s, to adulthood in 1990. The most notable and enduring of Ellen’s personality is her fanatical obsession with the Beatles, and that provides the thread connecting the chapters which are snapshots of her life. Given this, I half expected actual Beatles music to be present in the audio book. Alas, it is only present to the same extent as in the other forms of the book, with mentions of albums, songs, and Beatles history and trivia.

Ellen evolves as a person during the course of the book. She starts as a timid member of a dysfunctional family, and gives up the idea of college because she mistakenly believes her future is with the guy who has been using her for sex. We continue to see her as sexually abused in the 1980s workplace, in a way that would not be tolerated today. By the end of the book she has moved past that situation, and is considering furthering her education.

The ending wraps up some loose ends with a nice twist and a hopeful outlook. If you are a Beatles fan, and grew up during that era, you will enjoy this book. Try it on Audible!

Review of The Settler: A Modern Novel of Israel by Orit Arfa

This book opened a window into Jewish culture and the ancient conflict over land. The main character, Sarah, and her family are forced from their home in Gush Katif (an area in Gaza under Jewish control) as part of what the Israeli government called “Disengagement“. To Sarah and the other Jewish settlers there, it is the “Expulsion”. The death of Sarah’s brother Aaron while serving in the army, along with being uprooted by Israeli soldiers, pushes Sarah into a crisis of faith. She seemingly turns her back on God and the strict observances of law and tradition she was raised with, and plunges into a worldly lifestyle of sex, drugs, and night clubbing.
The author uses many Hebrew words,  usually with the English beside them, or you can tell the meaning from the context. If you are reading on a Kindle, you can tap the word to get a definition in most instances.
I won’t share how the story turns out because I don’t want to be a “spoiler”, but if this topic interests you, it is worth the read.

Bad Redhead Media’s Rachel Thompson is Social-Media Savvy!

Rachel Thompson of Bad Redhead Media has pulled out all the stops in providing an invaluable book for authors promoting their own books. Her knowledge of social media is thorough, and in this book she tells how to manage the platforms to turn them into a powerful marketing machine.
She provides links to all the social media platforms, as well as specific pages within each media to accomplish certain tasks. Rachel touches on SEO, Google Analytics, and how all this applies to publishing in Amazon’s KDP Select.
The tone of the book is conversational, and it is formatted into daily doses, so as not to become overwhelming. Rachel even provides assignments for each day to help you move from just reading about marketing your book to getting it done.
I highly recommend this book to the self-publisher! But get your own copy – I know I’ll be referring to mine for at least the next 30 days!

Launch Your Book With Solid Data From KDP Rocket!

“Keyword research is crucial to your long term success! KDP Rocket is the software you NEED to do this research properly!”My mentor could not have made it any clearer. She was giving me, a new author, the secret to:• Validate my book idea• Keyword Research for Title and Subtitle• AMS Keyword SearchWithout KDP Rocket it would take hours or even days to get this information.So I bought KDP Rocket. Wow!It not only validated my book idea, but it showed me that my sub-genre does well in journal form. I was also surprised to see that audio versions are highly sought after in this niche. KDP Rocket just uncovered two new potential revenue streams for me!I have also found the support team to be highly responsive. You don’t have to wait days for an answer; I usually hear back within an hour or two.KDP Rocket’s creator, Dave Chesson, has put together an enormous library of free tutorials, not just on using KDP Rocket, but ‘How-to’s on many other aspects of Kindle Direct Publishing.KDP Rocket is a tremendous value for the money! Click below to check it out!https://kindlepreneur.samcart.com/referral/IWu0V6R9/L0H79R5mHKmJgihoKDP Rocket