Remembering Rachel Held Evans

Professional Reader

By Saturday afternoon Twitter feeds were jammed with #BecauseofRHE, expressing grief at the too-soon-death of @rachelheldevans Rachel Held Evans. Many spoke of what a great friend she had been, how she had provided encouragement when it was sorely needed, how she had helped them to find their writing voice.

According to news reports and social media posts by her husband Dan, Rachel died Saturday May 4, 2019 after a brief illness. She experienced unexpected symptoms while in the hospital being treated for an infection.

Rachel leaves behind her husband Dan Evans and two children, as well as many loving extended family, friends, and loyal readers. Please pray for those who are hurting with her passing.

A Go Fund Me Account has been established to help with the mounting medical costs. Please consider giving.

Rachel was intelligent, bold, polarizing, loving. How rich we are having had her in our lives.

#NetGalley #ThomasNelson #PrayforRHE