Graduates and Moms

My girl is going on to great things!

Congratulations to all the graduates out there! I’m so very proud of mine! She has worked hard to get to this day, but it is just another step in the journey. I know she is going on to do great things!

Let’s not forget Mom! This is her big weekend too, and we need to show her plenty of love and appreciation!

Which raises the question, what are some great gifts for our grads and moms? Check out these ideas below.

102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament by Dr. William H. Marty

Professional Reader

Dr. William H. Marty was inspired to write 102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament partly from the students’ questions he fielded during his 37 years teaching at Moody Bible Institute.

The studies can be done in any order, and in fact the author recommends you not read this book like a novel. It is appropriate for Christians and non-Christians alike. Marty stresses the importance of reading the noted scripture passages to get full understanding of the studies.

The studies are organized by the life of Christ and the four Gospels, the Book of Acts, Paul’s epistles, the general epistles, several studies drawn from the book of Revelation, and doctrine.

Each study begins with a topic, ranging from the Genealogies of Jesus to the Wrath of God. Marty briefly explores the topic, including scripture references. Then several study questions are presented, also with scripture references. Each study concludes with a memory verse.

As suggested above, you cannot properly do this study without using the Bible to explore the many scripture references. While Marty presents the topic and guides you with insightful questions, it is truly a study of the Bible.

102 Fascinating Bible Studies on the New Testament is a great way to delve into a topical study of scripture either in a group or on your own.

#102fascinatingBibleStudiesOnTheNewTestament #NetGalley @ReadBakerBooks   @bethany_house

Remembering Rachel Held Evans

Professional Reader

By Saturday afternoon Twitter feeds were jammed with #BecauseofRHE, expressing grief at the too-soon-death of @rachelheldevans Rachel Held Evans. Many spoke of what a great friend she had been, how she had provided encouragement when it was sorely needed, how she had helped them to find their writing voice.

According to news reports and social media posts by her husband Dan, Rachel died Saturday May 4, 2019 after a brief illness. She experienced unexpected symptoms while in the hospital being treated for an infection.

Rachel leaves behind her husband Dan Evans and two children, as well as many loving extended family, friends, and loyal readers. Please pray for those who are hurting with her passing.

A Go Fund Me Account has been established to help with the mounting medical costs. Please consider giving.

Rachel was intelligent, bold, polarizing, loving. How rich we are having had her in our lives.

#NetGalley #ThomasNelson #PrayforRHE

Anticipating Heaven by Michael E. Wittmer

Professional Reader

Anticipating Heaven 

Michael E. Wittmer was called to the bedside of a dying friend to give spiritual counsel. Although he knew the answers, he initially felt unprepared to offer them. After a verbal misstep or two, Wittmer felt God’s prompting and was able to assure his friend of her salvation and answer other questions.

Spurred by that experience Wittmer developed Anticipating Heaven to answer what happens when believers die, and what happens after that.

There are many other “Heaven” books on the shelves today, and Wittmer wisely distinguishes his book from the personal accounts by sticking to scripture as his source.

Anticipating Heaven is easy to read and will address most of your basic questions about heaven. Books already available on the topic by Randy Alcorn and David Jeremiah take a more thorough approach if you are doing comprehensive study.

This book would be helpful if you are contemplating your own end-of-life, that of a friend or loved one, or you are in a ministerial capacity that brings you in contact with people nearing death.

With a little pre-planning, you can have the assurance of salvation and be aware of what the Bible says regarding events after death. If you have any doubts at all, Wittmer’s book can head you in the right direction.

#AnticipatingHeaven #NetGalley #ourdailybread #DiscoveryHousePublishers @DiscoveryHouse @ourdailybread 

Glorious Weakness

Professional Reader

Alia Joy H’s life has not been easy. Some people deal with cancer. Some deal with mental illness. Some deal with poverty. Alia Joy has had all of this and more in her life and continues an existence in which any given day can be a struggle. Thank goodness Alia Joy is an articulate writer who gives most of us readers an insight we’ve likely been blinded to by our “North American Christianity”.

I’m flagging Glorious Weakness as one of 2019’s most significant books. It reads like the Book of James. If your toes are too sensitive, don’t read it. If you don’t want to develop any compassion for the poor or disadvantaged, don’t read it. If you have no room in your theology for the mentally ill, homeless, addicted, uneducated, obese, abused, or marginalized don’t even check it out from the library.

If you’ve found yourself needing to justify your existence because you think you aren’t contributing anything to the church or society; if you’ve gone “all-in” for God but every circumstance still seems to conspire against you; if experience teaches you that actually relying on God brings sideways looks from the established church and sometimes it is best not to share what you know; if you believe no matter how hard you work you are always going to be God’s “secondhand kid” relegated to receive scraps and leftovers; you should read this book. In Alia Joy’s words:

“We have merit-based ideology so ingrained into our cultural identity and theology that we often fail to see the great imbalances Jesus constantly pointed out. Much to the irritation of the respectable religious people, Jesus was always elevating the poor and the weak.  He knew something we so often forget: none are worthy, not one.”

I hope we will hear more from this new author. Stay fluent in the language of hope!

@aliajoyh @ReadBakerBooks

#GloriousWeakness #NetGalley

The Dictionary of Difficult Words

Professional Reader

The Dictionary of Difficult Words is a delightful book for budding wordsmiths!

A brief introduction gives the reader permission to read the book straight through from A to Z to learn new things, or not read it at all, and just look at the pictures.

The illustrations are whimsical and eye-catching. With interesting pictures and cool words like Quixotic and Salubrious, I don’t doubt that whatever approach is taken new words will be learned.

My only recommendation for a change would be to replace the word “Difficult” in the title. I fear that could be off-putting to some children who would otherwise benefit from this book. This collection of words may more aptly be described as “less common”. I dare say most adults would gain from perusing this volume.

#TheDictionaryofDifficultWords #NetGalley

@QuartoKids ‏  @QuartoKnows ‏  @TheQuartoGroup

The Power of Jesus’ Names

Professional Reader

Tony Evans is a fine preacher and communicator, and there is no higher subject than the Names of Jesus. The Power of Jesus Names combines Evans’ illustrations and explanations to bring out the meanings of those names.

Evans says that the power in Jesus Names is available for us to tap into as believers. For instance, Immanuel means God with us. Evans explains that we are never alone, no matter what. The name Immanuel was introduced when the scripture spoke of Jesus coming to Earth to be with man.

To study the meanings of the names of Jesus is to open a new world of understanding the power and might of God: Creator, I AM, Banner of Victory, Lord our Shepherd, Lord of Hosts, Lord who is High and Mighty, and God Almighty. The list goes on. It will do you good to learn who your God is and how powerful he is!

#ThePowerOfJesusNames #NetGalley @Harvest_House

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society Commemorative Edition

Professional Reader

Eugene Peterson is best known for The Message, his paraphrase of the Bible into modern language. That work had not been completed when A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship in an Instant Society was first published close to forty years ago.

Peterson used scripture from The Message in the 20th Anniversary Edition of A Long Obedience, but he found little else to change beyond a few references to current events. This Commemorative Edition of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction includes a touching poem by Leif Peterson about his father. Eugene Peterson died this past October after 85 years of obedience.

This book has stood the test of time; it has inherently proven itself.

Peterson set the track for the journey by focusing on the 15 Psalms of Ascents, Psalms 120-134.  The Psalms were likely sung during the thrice yearly pilgrimage (distinctly not a tour) on the way up to Jerusalem to the worship festivals. As they ascended to the highest city geographically, the worshipers also, “acted out a life lived upward toward God,” as Peterson put it.

This idea dovetails nicely with the title of the book which Peterson derived from a passage by Friedrich Nietzsche:

The essential thing ‘in heaven and earth’ is…that there should be a long obedience in the same direction; there thereby results, and has always resulted in the long run, something which has made life worth living.

Peterson got a chuckle from the irony of using the words of Nietzsche, an atheist who pronounced the death of God and predicted the quick demise of Christianity. We can join in Peterson’s mirth with the newly printed Commemorative Edition rolling off the press some 40 years later and Christianity now being the world’s largest religious group with 2.3 billion followers.[1]

Peterson’s insights on scripture are paired with the 15 Psalms of Ascents. To familiar readers, portions of his prose are like the well-worn knob atop the stair rail post: enduring, endearing, and true.

There are many passages where you might linger, and return again; it’s hard to choose just one such snippet to share, but let this passage paired with Psalm 127 suffice:

By joining Jesus and the psalm we learn a way of work that does not acquire things or amass possessions but responds to God and develops relationships. People are at the center of Christian work. In the way of pilgrimage we do not drive cumbersome Conestoga wagons loaded down with baggage over endless prairies. We travel light. The character of our work is shaped not by accomplishments or possessions but in the birth of relationships: “Children are GOD’s best gift.”We invest our energy in people.

Peterson believed the gospel should be lived out, and our scripture reading should become our prayers. To that end he recommended we read scripture slowly, imaginatively, prayerfully, and obediently.

I hope the latest release of this classic Christian work will help a new group of disciples chart a course of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.

  • [1] C.L. Illsley, ‘Largest Religions In The World’,, Rachel Cribby – Managing Editor, 10 September 2018, p. 1,, (accessed 27 April 2019).
AlongObedienceInTheSameDirection #NetGalley @ivpress

Sacred Pace by Terry Looper

Successful Christian businessman Terry Looper has written a part-memoir, part-how-to book full of practical advice for the man or woman who wants to follow God’s leading in business, and in life.

Looper became a millionaire in his 20s, and had eclipsed all his financial goals in his 30s, but it came at a great cost. He found himself so utterly depleted – physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally – one morning he couldn’t get out of bed. His health and relationships with others were a mess. Although he was about to be ordained as an elder in his church, Looper admitted to himself that money and approval had really been his gods.

This low point in Looper’s life became the genesis of his new way of living and doing business, something he developed into a 4-step process he calls the Sacred Pace. The crux of Looper’s system is what he calls “going neutral”. This means divesting yourself of interest in the matter at hand, as you lay it before God. If your heart cannot impartially say, “I want what You want, God,” then you are not neutral.

The meaning and importance of scripture increased for Looper, as did stopping to discern peace. If there was no peace he could not proceed. Looper demonstrates this principle with examples from his business and life. This book is helpful for those exploring the logistics of following God’s leading.

#SacredPace #NetGalley

UP! Daily Devotional Bundle, Books 1-3

Now available in ebook and paperback!

This time, you weren’t going to mess up.

That was your resolve.

You weren’t going to make God mad.

Until you did.

The Good News is God isn’t mad. And you don’t have to try so hard.

You’ll love this 3-volume bundle because you’ll learn how to get close to God. (And everybody loves a great deal!)

Get it now.